Never done it with the sump gasket, but lots of valley gaskets.
First time I did it I used Wurth Hi Temp red sealer on a 350 chev engine.
The owner of the engine in a ski boat wasnt the sharpest tool in the shed and was pulling the engine every week chasing problems he created himself mostly.
Helped him put it back together and he didnt have the valley gaskets so I convinced him to use the sealer.
No leaks on the river when we put it in the water.
We pulled the engine another 5 times before he took advice on how to cure the problems.
Have used sealer on valleys instead of gaskets ever since and have never had an issue.
Cant see why it wouldnt work on the sump ends.
I liked the Wurth product because it stuck really well, and pretty much rubbed off the surfaces easily when cleaning up.