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Horrific Targa West Accident

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#276 WhiteA9XS



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Posted 14 September 2006 - 02:06 PM

hinch is a hippacrit , he,s had more wifes than brocky

hinches day will come , the sick puppy ....

#277 _82911_

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Posted 14 September 2006 - 03:28 PM

hinch is a hippacrit , he,s had more wifes than brocky

He must be paying them or importing them or something then...
Cause take a look at him...
Fairdinkum.....He's got a head like a dropped pie...

Cheers Greg..

#278 _rorym_

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Posted 14 September 2006 - 04:15 PM

Hinch is a tool...he has cancer or AIDS or both...no one is saying,...he is half his previous boby weight...I didnt see/hear the comment...I dont want to..he is a tool..always was...always will be..better left to jerk off with his left hand so it feels like someone else.
Tool! :finger:

#279 _torana06_

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Posted 14 September 2006 - 04:33 PM

hinch thats pathetic

peter perfect
thats all that needs to be said

#280 DanWA


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Posted 14 September 2006 - 05:21 PM

Its ok, majority of Australia knows Hinch is a total wankstain... he spins alot of shit to...

He didn't get the same Peter Perfect for nothing!

#281 kudu


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Posted 14 September 2006 - 05:49 PM

Any of you New Zealanders want him back we are over him.

No way!!! he is one of yours now. Phar lap, Russell Crowe, Crowded House, Split Enz are all claimed as australian after being over the ditch for a short time, so Hinch is well and truly an aussie.....and no returns..... :D :D

#282 Dangerous


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Posted 14 September 2006 - 05:52 PM

Peter Perfect was dubbed this for his driving ability, not for the way he lived his life. Nevertheless, and irrespective of the type of person he was in his earlier years, what I saw was a brilliant driver, and a caring person that did his best to make this place a better place to live, for everyone that he could.

An insignificant, arrogant whinger of the miniscule relevance of Mr Hinch does absolutely nothing to change my opinion of Peter Brock.

I might start paying attention to what Derryn Hinch says, if he started acting more like Peter Brock, and less like Derryn Hinch.

#283 Pop's-SS



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Posted 14 September 2006 - 06:27 PM

G'day All

I've just sent this email to the Hinch site.

I can now see the "perfect" couple, Derryn Hinch and Germaine Greer.

Both very twisted bitter people.

Regards ............ Barry

Regards .......... Barry

#284 _73LJWhiteSL_

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Posted 14 September 2006 - 06:28 PM

Peter Perfect was dubbed this for his driving ability, not for the way he lived his life.

That was what i was going to say. Peter Perfect for his driving, not his personal life. I mean we are all human anyways.


#285 Tiny


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Posted 14 September 2006 - 07:37 PM

I think enough's been said on a certain Mr Deryn Hinch. He doesnt need to be brought into the limelight. He should be left to grovel in the shadows wehre he lives.

Let's just remeber Peter for the achievements and the skill he displayed, as well as the time he spent with his admiring fans.


#286 _rorym_

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Posted 14 September 2006 - 07:46 PM

Well said Tiny...Close it...he doesnt need the publicity!

#287 Tiny


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Posted 14 September 2006 - 08:04 PM

I'd rather not close the thread, Only because it carries so much about Peter brock. I'd rather we just not give those tall poppy cutters a stage to speak on.
They've usually done no good and dont deserve the breath.


#288 _dave720gtr_

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Posted 14 September 2006 - 08:33 PM

We all no peter was as much as a great guy as driver and nothing that tosser can
will or has said will change the the fact the he was a legend! KING OF THE MT
no one will ever take that away from brock, think about What a life he had,got to drive every mucle car holden made in full race trim + every thing else in between ,
one could only dream of leading such a life.

#289 _rorym_

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Posted 14 September 2006 - 08:57 PM

I can run with that Tiny.. :spoton:
Jesus for a guy that wasnt a fan I am batting pretty hard here!.....Guess I just dont like a man to be kicked when he is down...I am actually getting to like him more now in the after life. You hang in there PB!...The cock suckers will not pull you down to their level! :spoton:

Edited by rorym, 14 September 2006 - 09:01 PM.

#290 _Aquarius - LC_

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Posted 14 September 2006 - 10:27 PM

We owe it to Brocky, not to let these low lifes who focus on the negative get to us.

To get this thread back on track, I would like to share a short story.

Just over 8 years ago, in Townsville, 22 August 1998, my beautiful wife and I were getting married. PB was in town this particular weekend taking part in events, he was also leading a super cruise around the twin cities, right passed where our reception was being held. I remember as family members were doing their speeches, behind them through the door, I could see Brocky drive by. The most special day of my life, and the great man was just 500 feet away.
I will remember that day always!! Wish I had got to meet him, unfortunately I was a bit busy that day!! Ha ha!!

#291 _73LJWhiteSL_

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Posted 14 September 2006 - 10:30 PM

What an awesome memory Aquarius - LC.

That is truely perfect timing. :spoton:


#292 orangeLJ


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Posted 15 September 2006 - 09:26 AM

Its moments like that Aquarius that just go to show how admired and held in such high esteem among the community. People knew him every where he went and he was always willing to stop and talk to his admiring fans or just anyone he met. I will be sporting a black and white "05- Brocky RIP" sticker on the torry. and have some stuff to take to toranafest. CHEERS.

#293 _Yella SLuR_

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Posted 15 September 2006 - 02:20 PM

OK, just fixing my previous post. Now that I'm aware that it is a combination corner, I think the finding will be driver error.

Not that I'm anywhere near as good as PB, below is the result of a similar type corner, that has a wide lead in, then tightens up for the last bit. Luckily it was on a circuit, so I could just drive out into the grass. Arrived just carrying too much speed for the second corner. With those trees there, PB would not have had such a luxury, and would have had to make the corner. Under brakes, or off all the pedals if carrying too much speed, you are always going to loose the back end.

Posted Image

That pic is taken on the Dutton Rally. First go is driven blind, second one is to put what you've learn't to good use. I arrived at the combination corner, carrying way too much speed. You can't brake on corners.

#294 _lcgtr_

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Posted 16 September 2006 - 01:15 AM

to be honest he came off before the hard bit of the corner

#295 _[BOTTLEDUP]_

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Posted 16 September 2006 - 09:29 AM

I'm not an expert, but I've spoken to a lot of people who know the road, and have driven it at speed.

It is a combination corner, tightening as you go in and also downhill with the camber sloping away from the apex. The part that makes it tricky is the downhill approach, right at the braking point there is a slight hump just enough to unload the suspension.

In last year's rally, that stage was run the opposite way, and in the dry cars were taking it at around 90-95km/h. In the wet, heading down the hill, most of the people I've spoken to would estimate about 60-70 km/h max. I think Brocky, not knowing the road, simply came in too hot. Like Yella has said, if he had some room to move he'd be right, but unfortunately there isn't.

#296 sadmannt


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Posted 29 March 2007 - 11:40 AM

anyone seen this article?
draw your own conclusions

#297 Tiny


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Posted 29 March 2007 - 09:36 PM

This thread is now closed.

Thanks to everyone for their contribution during what was a very emotional time for alot of people.

I dont feel that any good can come from further comments on this particular thread.



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