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Somebody wants to sell the microfiche.

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#1 Shiney005


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Posted 18 July 2024 - 01:32 PM

I'm talking about the complete records for LH and LX Torana. (The seller did state that it wasn't the stolen A9X details)

I have always assumed this was in the hands of HHS, but maybe they only have a copy. Or maybe there were two copies held by GMH on microfiche. 

These appeared on Ebay about two weeks ago, but were pulled off again a short time later.  I would love to have them, as would quite a few people in here. I was only talking to S pack yesterday about the fact that if a few of us got together we could write the bible on 1970's Holden and Torana numbers, but the info on this microfiche would save a lot of work.


Attached File  IMG_1956.PNG   329.06K   8 downloads


Attached File  IMG_1955.PNG   514.86K   4 downloads

Edited by Shiney005, 18 July 2024 - 01:33 PM.

#2 Shiney005


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Posted 18 July 2024 - 01:44 PM

Oh, and I have tried to contact him.

#3 RallyRed


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Posted 18 July 2024 - 01:56 PM

80k!!!!...would go well with the Stamping machine that recently sold......................

#4 yel327


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Posted 18 July 2024 - 02:06 PM

HHS have a set. Each of the Zone office locations at the State VAP's had a set if I remember correctly and as they closed such stuff ended up at the dump. The ones GMH used to issue those infamously incorrect letters of the last couple of decades were another copy and would have been held at head office. I assume these ones have come out of head office, probably stolen out of the back door. If the person who took them has these, they'd probably have the Holden ones as well as Torana - it'd be stupid just to take Torana ones as there is much more information in the Holden ones.


Note that these are not complete records though Laurie. They are a mainframe report printed (on old imperial Z-fold, striped tractor feed paper) after each series finished. The report was for Service/Warranty only, so a very incomplete record. It only shows limited information, same info as you see on the readily available LC and LJ versions where someone took photos of each sheet on a 'fiche reader. There are also cars missing off these for whatever reason, and many ghost cars. LOTS of errors in data entry. One day I'll do an exercise and show how for example on a record of 150 well known cars there are a good half dozen obvious errors, well obvious once you understand how an open mainframe terminal operated database works. At some stage, presumably around VB Commodore introduction where GMH moved to a different warranty system, the paper printouts were microfiched and those are what is around today. When you go through the pages, you see where people have written in some places whilst the records were still paper.


The A9X ones you mention is a different report that has been run by someone out of the IBM360 and printed.

#5 neglectedtorana


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Posted 18 July 2024 - 07:12 PM

What's on the microfiche?
Is it just like a parts book or a record of what left the factory? Or something else?

I used microfiche for outboard and sterndrive parts when I did my apprenticeship and I have o e for my 1980 Kawasaki.

#6 yel327


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Posted 18 July 2024 - 07:20 PM

It's the same as what is around digitised for LC and LJ, just for LH and LX. 

#7 Shiney005


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Posted 19 July 2024 - 08:56 AM

What's on the microfiche?

PSN, motor, gearbox, diff, manufacture and selling date, selling dealer etc.

Thanks to Skap........




#8 yel327


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Posted 19 July 2024 - 09:26 AM

Just to expand on Laurie's comment.


Record pivoted/indexed by PSN. Shows:


BETSBAC code (Body, Engine, Transmission, Steering, Brakes, Axle (rear) and air Conditioning). This is all that is on the records from the Vehicle Master Listing that had all the information to create the Broadcast Sheets for each car.


The rest is:


Completion date.



Engine number (as recorded and sent back by dealers) but not always.

Transmission serial number (as per engine number but rare to be there).

Warranty commencement month/year.

Credited selling dealer (better called Cost Centre as this is either dealer or cost centre for internal cars).

Zone Office that placed the order.


As mentioned, the areas where errors occur in in engien number, transmission serial number and to a lesser extend the sale month/year and dealer code, as these are all manual data entry.


Not all cars are there either, primarily as they hadn't been sold, for example when the HZ records were printed on 20/6/78 it was mid series so HEAPS of cars that are not yet sold do not appear on the HZ report. They were in the VML for production but not on the Service/Warranty report as they had not yet activated their warranty. I have examples from all Series though, I have a Broadcast Sheet off an LJ XU1 that isn't on the records. Plus cars destroyed prior to sale are not on there, like the cars burnt in the WA dealer fire (including two HX LE's) and those in a big train smash leaving Pagewood going South. Some of the HDT race cars aren't there either.

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