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#51 _rorym_

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Posted 21 November 2006 - 07:03 PM

The colours were SMP. Orange and white. So Bondy told me..



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Posted 04 December 2006 - 12:11 AM

These are the 3 colours Harry reconds existed to. Australian Muscle Car magazine, issue 9, page 58. He also says that when the XU-2 program was cancelled, the HDT LC XU-2 prototype and GMH,s orange engineering car were reverted to original six cylinder XU-1 trim and sold.
I know, I know, dont always believe what you read !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#53 _dave720gtr_

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Posted 06 December 2006 - 12:47 AM

ok from were i see it those twin hangers you can buy from any shop
thay dont look like some thing holden left under it
and why would thay mod the tunnel for ? a m21 goies strait in
never the less it would of been nice if one did exsist and could be traced back :D

#54 _racingunicorn_

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Posted 02 January 2007 - 09:27 AM

i just found this,

TORANA S 1900 8UG69 - 24 FEB 1976 SUNBIRD - NOV 1976 -
TORANA SL 1900 8UH69 8UH77 24 FEB 1976 SUNBIRD - NOV 1976 -
(A8Z) - 16 NOV 1976 UC - MAR 1978 -
(A8Z) 29 SEP 1977 UC - MAR 1978 -
TORANA S (6/V 8VB69 - 24 FEB 1976 UC - MAR 1978 $4790 (6)
TORANA SL (6/V 8VC69 8VC77 24 FEB 1976 UC - MAR 1978 -
TORANA SL/R 8VD69 - 24 FEB 1976 UC - MAR 1978 -
TORANA SL/R 5000 8VD69
(XU2) - SEP 1977 A9X - SEP 1977 $6820
TORANA SL/R 5000 A9X 8VD69
(A9X) - 24 FEB 1976 LIMITED RUN - 307 -
TORANA SS - 8VD77 SEP 1977 A9X - SEP 1977 $6450
(A9X) MAR 1977 LIMITED RUN - 100 -

#55 REDA9X



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Posted 02 January 2007 - 04:42 PM

God, where did you find that crap?

#56 _ultrabluea9x_

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Posted 02 January 2007 - 05:06 PM

i seen elvis the other day driving around in pink v8 xu1

#57 meanmachine72


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Posted 02 January 2007 - 06:08 PM

was it in strike me pink?????

#58 _sunburst_metalic_

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Posted 07 January 2007 - 09:32 AM

a pic of a new xu1 v8. shame you cant see the rego number. its not a colour pic but it looks like a lite colour.
xu1 v8

As pointed out the small brake booster and large battery may suggest that this was a GTR perhaps ?? Well spotted, anyhow can we have the FBI Zoom in on that VIN tag then it can be verified, you can purchase your Dodgey Disk on Evil Bay LOL. Great Stuff rgds Sunburst

#59 _xu1l34a9x_

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Posted 07 January 2007 - 09:42 AM

yea Bruce, brackets look original to me, fair enough curiosity. I guess anything is possible. Do you know if other xu1's had 2 brackets?

#60 REDA9X



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Posted 07 January 2007 - 11:04 AM

XU1L34A9X, is that an A9X you have in your avatar? Is it yours?

#61 _rorym_

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Posted 07 January 2007 - 02:32 PM

I am old....I remember the article...It was a home built car..not factory.

#62 _chevy_253_torana_

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Posted 07 January 2007 - 10:58 PM

oooo shit

i went raiding an old friends set of car mags i could have taken any one i wanted to there was an article we drive the v8 xu1 i cant rememeber who did it but i do know that it was backin its day

that picture does seem familiar

unfortunately going through 400 + books got me confused and somehow i ended up placing it back into the pile to go back into hiding

i shall try and get it again though not sure when il be down that way next though .....



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Posted 11 March 2007 - 11:45 PM

yea Bruce, brackets look original to me, fair enough curiosity. I guess anything is possible. Do you know if other xu1's had 2 brackets?

Long time no see !
I was talking to a chap in SA recently and his car is also an early built August Adelaide car that has duel exhaust bracketary as well. So I went and had a close look at mine today and it appears mine has been painted in the same paint as the underbody which appears to be the original paint ! ( Still all a mystery to me )
Holden did cancel the V8 LJ on Friday the 30th of June 1972 just 2 weeks before production was to begin. So its quite possible that they used these shells that were destined to be the V8 LJ.s in normal XU-1 production ! Currently im trying to determine weather mine is a so called Bathurst special or not which is proving to be difficult in it self ! Im waiting on letters from cams and Joe Felice that im hoping can shine a little light on this subject ! Until then your guess is as good as mine ! :fool:

Catch up soon !

#64 REDA9X



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Posted 12 March 2007 - 05:48 PM

I remember reading a story about 20 years ago, i can't remember where I read it now. The story was written by a guy who worked in the Holden factory (can't remeber which one), but upstairs in the offices not on the floor. He was young and keen and had an interest in everything going on down the production line. One day he went down and there was a whole line of XU1 V8's in various satges of completion on the line, some close to 90% complete. The next day the story came out about the Supercar scare and he went down to se what was going on. The production line was completely empty, all the XU1 V8's were gone and no work was going on at all. He asked a few questions but didn't get answers. Maybe some of these car were removed from the line and later refitted with 6 cylinders, but I seem to remember him saying the general feel was the cars were destroyed.

#65 _gtrtorana_

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Posted 12 March 2007 - 06:00 PM

It seems funny your car sat around for so long. I looked at the master vehicle listing and noticed an XU-1 produced on the monday after your car, sent to the same dealer that sold your car and sold it in 8-72 where your car was sold 1-73. There also seems to be a lot of Torana's sold by this dealer (158) so who ever this dealer is, they must of been a large one at the time. There seems to be a large amount of XU-1's built that week in 1972, inc the brock and bond cars. I would lean towards your car being a Bathurst car that originally was destined to have the 308 fitted.

#66 _LGN347/24C_

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Posted 13 March 2007 - 09:44 PM

i spoke to joe felice not to long ago, (he was given the orange 308 gtr to hack around in)and he assured me no lj v8s ever escaped lang lang crash wall, without being to critical you dont need to touch the trans tunnel to do a 308/ aussie 4 speed conversion. i think holdens could afford better hangers than those, but i do know that a smp belonging to peter page holden ( pages pink panther rally car) ended up in wa??cant be to many smpS left .cheers :spoton:

#67 _308XU-1_

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Posted 01 September 2008 - 03:49 PM

i spoke to joe felice not to long ago, (he was given the orange 308 gtr to hack around in)and he assured me no lj v8s ever escaped lang lang crash wall, without being to critical you dont need to touch the trans tunnel to do a 308/ aussie 4 speed conversion. i think holdens could afford better hangers than those, but i do know that a smp belonging to peter page holden ( pages pink panther rally car) ended up in wa??cant be to many smpS left .cheers Posted Image

The planned V8 LJ Torana did not have dual exhausts. It had a two into one join up near the front of the car. A single exhaust ran along the car, over the back axle and exited via a regular XU-1 single in, dual chrome out, muffler on the RHS of the car.

The XU-2 option code could not be used for this model as it had already been allocated to the predecessor to the L-34 in the LH range. XW-7 was the actual option code used on all documentation.

The legend continues.....

#68 Kockum


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Posted 23 September 2008 - 05:41 PM

I remember reading a story about 20 years ago, i can't remember where I read it now.

See Leo Pruneau's letter to Street Machine Magazine June 1990 Pages 12 & 13.

XW-7 Project. Torana LJ V8. See SMM September 1990. Part of Leo's letter gets a re-run. Article starts on Page 37.

See The History of Torana magazine (Performance Street Car Publishing). See the Article titled "Brockspeak" Pages 15, 16 & 17.


#69 _UFO XU1_

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Posted 24 September 2008 - 08:10 PM

You can all take this as crap or truth i will leave it up to you,but the ex Joe Felice car Lone O Ranger still exists it is in 6 Cyl form (Xu-1) it still retains its dual filler necks & is hidden away.Harry tells me this he knows the owner but will be kept under wraps for now BELIEVE IT OR NOT!!!
cheers ....
Ps:as for the other cars definately gone dead & burried in the grave yard!!!!!RIP....

Edited by UFO XU1, 24 September 2008 - 08:11 PM.

#70 robj


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Posted 26 September 2008 - 03:09 PM

I wonder what the extra filler necks required to fit for the proposed production run. Would they have done some extra pressing in the 1/4 panels when they were made, or maybe just drilled a hole through and fitted them. I would think they would have been hard to remove from the shells that where started and then returned back to sixes.

Your strike me pink one dosen't have any holes filled up in the 1/4 panels where the extra filler necks would have been?

#71 _rorym_

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Posted 26 September 2008 - 04:08 PM

Long time no see !
I was talking to a chap in SA recently and his car is also an early built August Adelaide car that has duel exhaust bracketary as well. So I went and had a close look at mine today and it appears mine has been painted in the same paint as the underbody which appears to be the original paint ! ( Still all a mystery to me )
Holden did cancel the V8 LJ on Friday the 30th of June 1972 just 2 weeks before production was to begin. So its quite possible that they used these shells that were destined to be the V8 LJ.s in normal XU-1 production ! Currently im trying to determine weather mine is a so called Bathurst special or not which is proving to be difficult in it self ! Im waiting on letters from cams and Joe Felice that im hoping can shine a little light on this subject ! Until then your guess is as good as mine ! :fool:

Catch up soon !

There was also an Adelaide dealer whom made several XU1 V8 308s as an aftermarket thing...My mate Ian McDonald bought one...can find out the dealers name if you want?.

#72 _1973bathxu1_

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Posted 26 September 2008 - 10:35 PM

hi ufo xu1 your half right the orange joe felice torana did get sold as a 6 cylinder with the twin filler tanks but if harrys friend has it hidden in a garage he would want to hide it well because that torana is still on the victoria police files stolen list it was stolen in bundoora in victoria regards aldo



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Posted 26 September 2008 - 11:00 PM

Posted Image
Posted Image

Joe Felice,s prototype V8 (The Lockwood Special) at Bathurst in October 1973.......... (Note the filler)............

#74 _rorym_

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Posted 27 September 2008 - 08:22 AM

The Lockwood Special was a Yellow LC.

#75 _308XU-1_

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Posted 27 January 2009 - 10:43 PM

See Leo Pruneau's letter to Street Machine Magazine June 1990 Pages 12 & 13.

XW-7 Project. Torana LJ V8. See SMM September 1990. Part of Leo's letter gets a re-run. Article starts on Page 37.

See The History of Torana magazine (Performance Street Car Publishing). See the Article titled "Brockspeak" Pages 15, 16 & 17.


Street Machine worked with me for that story for Sept 90 issue. The information they reproduced is mostly accurate though certainly they had their jounalistic way with some of it. The XW-7 was a formal engineering program though hidden from general view as a "Special Export Vehicle".

Brings back a lot of good memories!


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